In response to Covid-19 we have developed a 'tiered
approach' to focus on school catch-up and
our immediate priorities.
Please see the image below...
In response to Covid-19 we have developed a 'tiered
approach' to focus on school catch-up and
our immediate priorities.
Please see the image below...
Bardwell CofE
Primary School
We are a school committed to wellbeing.
Good mental health is fundamental to be able to thrive in life. If we’re not tackling mental health problems early, then we risk failing the next generation right at the start of their lives.
At Bardwell, we believe in putting emotional wellbeing at the heart of the school curriculum. We have done this by re-balancing the curriculum by giving health and wellbeing the same importance as literacy and numeracy and creating a mentally healthy school where pupils and teachers can thrive.
The top priority for our school is the health and wellbeing of our pupils.
There are several links below, which provide guidance and support with numerous
facets of mental health. The image link on the right includes specific details about the
Suffolk Emotional Wellbeing Hub. This is a relatively new service (2018), which enables
anyone to make referrals about children of concern. This could and would likely
include children that may be suffering from anxiety, stress or who may be experiencing
obsessive behaviours.
Young Minds - Supporting Parents Helpfinder
Young Minds have developed a simple and helpful resource to find out
how you can support your child's mental health during the pandemic.
Click on the thumbnail image below to answer six questions to
find out how best to support.